You know what to do.

The lighting diagram features a Dynalite studio flash head mounted on a 22" Mola beauty dish with a grid. This lights Jessica’s head and shoulders. The six foot by six foot diffusion panel from Chimea spreads the light from a Dynalite 2050 location head to lower the contrast by adding light to the shadows. Each light is powered by a separate Road Max 800 watt / second pack. The beauty dish is powered at 400 watt / seconds while the head of the fill panel is at 200 watt / seconds.
The atrium of the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, GA is lit with direct sunshine streaming through overhead skylights.

The How-To Magazine for Studio Lighting and Off-Camera Flash
Light It is the first digital photography lighting magazine made exclusively for the Apple iPad® from Scott Kelby and

Issue #11
November 2012
In this issue, learn how to achieve great interior shots in our feature story and find many tips and techniques to improve your lighting: using small flashes as fill lights, learning about the beauty dish or creating a portrait clamshell reflector.
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