I Light

Simple set up.

Originally the soft box above & right of the camera was too high and I did not get any catch light and so had to lower it. The other thing I had to do is open up the soft box to the right of the subject just enough to get a bit of light to spill out onto HER right cheek to add a little definition to the darker side of her face & her hair. I wish I would have gone with a little more power in the back to really white out the background, but of course I could have done this in Photoshop.

The color photo was shot with a 4×5 Sinar (large format film camera). This was shot with color Polaroid film (actually, it was Fuji not Polaroid).

The black & white was shot with the same camera but with B&W film instead. You will see that I tried turning up the power of the strobe in the background, and actually, I think I took the soft box off and just shot through a honeycomb grid, and you can see I screwed up the shot royally because her hair is now casting a stupid shadow right across the cheek on HER left side. Light set up was the same here by the way, I just forgot to flip the image in Photoshop when I scanned the negative!!

Hope you like.
Chris (aka stophoto)

More photo @ http://www.flickr.com/photos/stophoto/

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